Death Roe 2024 Fall Update and News
Before we get started, we hope everyone is having a great start to the 2024-2025 season! The goal of this blog is to run through the road map for the season and provide additional updates to the Death Roe anglers as we continue to develop the business and push ourselves to be better than ever. Having said that, we greatly appreciate your continued support as we grow and get dialed in for the new year. Let’s get started.
Planned for some time in the new year, Death Roe will be relocating to a newer, larger shop space. The new shop will have more storage space as well as working area that will allow us to work more efficiently and have additional storage for soft bead stock, merch, and other items planned for future expansion. Order processing and shipping will be unaffected during this time.
We are in the process of expanding our offerings to more than just our high quality soft beads. Partnering with great companies and other small businesses to provide anglers with high quality items and an overall better experience for beginners and avid anglers alike. Floats, terminal tackle, tools and accessories are just some of the items to expect!
Death Roe has some saucy bead colors cooking and some prototype baits in the pipeline that are projected to launch in the near future. Keep an eye out on our social media for additional information on new colors and bait developments.
The 2025 sport show season is right around the corner and we are excited to be participating in several shows this season. January 25-26, 2025 we will be at the Great Lakes Fishing expo in Girard, Ohio. February 13-16, 2025 we will be at the Greater Niagara Fishing Expo in Niagara Falls, New York. A new addition this year for us is the March 13-16, 2025 Grand Rapids Ultimate Sports Show in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are stoked to be able to participate in these shows and hope to see some of you there!
Lastly, starting in 2025, there will be a price adjustment in affect for our ¼” (6 mm), 5/16” (8 mm), 3/8” (10 mm), and ½” (12 mm) bead sizes and convict crawler bags. Prices on those items will increase from $4.99 to $5.49 to account for increased material costs over the last several years. This price adjustment will allow us to continue using the best quality materials and offer anglers the same high-quality beads they have come to know for years to come. Commissary Packs and Life Sentence packs will not change.
We appreciate everyone’s support over the years and we are excited to see what the future brings with Death Roe Soft Beads!
Tight Lines,
The Barnes Bros.